American food manufacturers spend a lot of time and money preparing food for you, meaning that whenever you purchase a box of cookies, crackers, breakfast cereal, or any other prepackaged food, a team of scientists spent months thinking of how to keep you coming back for more. They fill these foods with sugar and carbs that will wreak havoc on your body’s ability to regulate hunger. They trick you into an endless hunger cycle to keep you returning for more.
The fats, sugars, and flours in engineered foods are addictive formulas designed to trap you on a never-ending ride of ups and downs. Your body can’t recognize when it has been “fed” because it doesn’t recognize these things as food!
I won’t lie to you. Breaking out of this cycle is not easy. To free yourself of the cravings for processed foods probably takes two weeks, and it is a matter of battling an addiction. After you’ve “freed” yourself, you must be vigilant about not going back. Reintroducing those bad foods to your diet can be disastrous, forcing you back into that miserable cycle.
Here’s the good news. Feeding your body unadulterated nutrients, as in my menus provided with the courses I promote, will “turn off” those false hunger signals. You won’t believe how much better you feel or how much more you enjoy your food. Imagine enjoying your meals again - without guilt, without feeling sick afterward, without being constantly hungry and never satisfied.
Once you’ve experienced the relief of breaking the cycle of cravings, you’ll feel liberated and hopeful. Two weeks of enjoying two delicious high-protein, low-carb meals daily on a 16:8 intermittent fasting protocol can make a significant difference. Nutrient-rich organic fruits and vegetables, along with grass-fed meats, not only satisfy hunger but also turn off your cravings. Eating this way can lead to increased enjoyment, optimal health, and well-being, offering a path to freedom from food cravings.